Numpy Small Cheatsheet
1. Constructing Arrays in NumPy
np.array([1,2,3,4]) # From list
np.eye(4) # Identity matrix with 4 rows and 4 cols
np.zeros((3,4)) # Zero matrix with 3 rows and 4 cols
np.ones((3,4)) # One matrix with 3 rows and 4 cols
np.full((3,2), 5) # Same as 5*np.ones((3,2))
np.diag([1,2,3,4]) # Diagonal matrix
np.arrange(start, stop, step) # Almost same as bulit-in range
np.linspace(start, end, number, endpoint=False) #Linear spaced vector
2. Constructing Random Arrays
np.random.random((3,3)) # Uniform random number with shape (3,3)
np.random.randint(lower, up, (3,2))
np.random.normal(miu, sigma, shape)
3. Manipulating Arrays
X.reshape((a,b)) # a or b can equal to -1 for auto conversion
X.mean(); X.std(); X.max(); X.min(); X.sum() # Statistical Res
X.sum(axis=0) # Add vals in each cols, Retain col number
X.sum(axis=1) # Add vals in each rows, Retain row number
np.delete(X, 2, axis=0) # Delete row 0
np.delete(X, [0,1], axis=1) # Delete col 0 and col 1
np.append(X, [[10, 11, 12]], axis=0) # Add new row
np.insert(X, col_num, 5, axis=1) # Instert a new col
np.diag(X, k=0) # Find diagnoal values
np.unique(X) # Find unique valuse in X
np.sort(X) # Output a sorted view of X
X.sort() # Change X
X.sort(axis=0) # Sort by rows
np.hstack(X,Y); np.vstack(X,Y) # Stack Arrays
x = np.array([1,2,3,4,5])
y = np.array([6,7,2,8,4])
np.intersect1d((x,y)) #[2,4]
np.setdiff1d((x,y)) #[1,3,5]
np.union1d((x,y)) #[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
4. Slicing Arrays
# Differentiate view and copy of slices
M = X[:,:]
N = X[:,:].copy()
# Boolean Indexing
X[(X>10) & (X<17)] = -1
5. BroadCasting
np.ones((1,4)) + np.ones((3,1)) # 3*4, all 2
np.ones((4,4)) + 1 # 4*4, all 2
np.eye(4) + np.array([1,2,3,4]) # Add row by row
np.eye(4) + np.array([[1],[2],[3],[4]]) # Add col by col
According to this page, I find this alignment rule.
A (2d Array): 4 x 3
x (1d Array): 3
A (2d Array): 4 x 3
x (1d Array): 4 x 1
NOT Feasible
A (2d Array): 4 x 3
x (1d Array): 4
6. Dark Magic
6.1 Add an extra dimension to a array
a = np.array([1,2,3])
a[None, ]
Remineded by Sam, I learned that there is a dedicated NumPy
variable called newaxis
that can improve the readability:
np.newaxis is None # True
a[None, ]
6.2 How to ‘transpose’ a vector
a = np.array([1,2,3])
6.3 Difference in the order of computing when multiplying a matrix and vector
x = np.array([[1,2],[3,4])
v = np.array([9,10])
# Equivalent to
[[ 1 2 ] * [[9 ]
[ 3 4 ]] [10]]
# Equivalent to
[9 10] * [[ 1 2 ]
[ 3 4 ]]
7. Reference
- The instruction to Numpy from this toturial in CS231n Course at Stanford is really good.